Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Hat Parade

Posted April 4th 2020

It’s always great to see some Easter hat parades and egg hunts at local schools like Chigwell Row Infant School. Living in Chigwell, Loughton or Woodford offers a good selection of local schools for the younger members of the family. At Chigwell Row Infants school the children regularly get to find an egg and show off their Easter hats that they have made at home!

If your kid's school asked you to make an Easter hat this year you might be over it but if not it can be great fun making Easter bonnets as a fun Easter activity for you and your little ones. If you have a lovely Chigwell, Loughton or Woodford garden at your disposal making a spring flower bonnet is obvious.

But there are always plenty of other ideas as to what should you decorate your bonnet with? Whether you’re after something traditional or want to break all the rules it really can be fun to take a deep breath and to try making our own. 

First, choose your theme there are so many great Easter themes to choose from you can’t go wrong with flowers, chicks, chocolate, ducks, and rabbits. But before you start decorating you will need a base for your bonnet. An easy way is to cut up some cardboard packaging. If you involve your kids at this stage and give then total freedom they are bound to come up with all sorts of entertaining shapes that you had not previously imagined. 

For a chick theme, you can collect feathers from the garden or park and paint them yellow. Or cut up pictures of chicks from chick magazines. For ducks, you can do the same as with chicks but paint the feathers greeny brown. For rabbits, you can cut out ear shapes and add whiskers. Remember this is supposed to be a fun creative experience for your Chigwell, Loughton or Woodford kids that you and your children enjoy.